Colours needed:

Step by step:

1. Simple circle near the tip of the nail with the mint green colour.

2. Yellow yarn hair, I like to start at the top of the shaft and bring it into the circle to make the ends more blunt.

3. Two pink triangles to form the bow atop her head.

4. One large blue dot and one slightly smaller black dot to make the base of her button eyes.

5. Using black, make a squiggle as her mouth.

6. The next step, using red, place in vertical stripes as the seams on her mouth.

7. Making sure the eyes are dry, go in with yellow and mark an 'x' into the black circle.

8. Followed by 4 white dots in a square shape on the blue eye.
You can stop there or add another accent nail that would complete a Scrump centered nail theme.

You can also form her body by painting a mint base, forming her pink necklace as a crescent shape near the base of the nail followed by a light blue dot to make her button and another 'x' shape to form the thread.
I think these nails are cute as accent nails. I would paint the rest of you're nails a light purple or a sea blue to off set Scrump and to contrast her even more.
I hope you enjoyed this simple Scrump nail tutorial.
kayoooot! <3 thank youuuu :) scrump <3 <3
ReplyDeleteSo awesome! It's too bad I don't have the patience for this kind of stuff, hahah! And I can't wear fake nails cause I play the ukulele xD
ReplyDeleteThis is so cute though ; ___;
omg this is so cute!! is the detailing hard to do? i find even just drawing a straight line is like already very difficult! ^^"
ReplyDeletewhat tool are you using? as in the metal tool~
Tee hee hee thank you! I just use the brush that comes in the bottles..
ReplyDeleteI just wipe of most of the excess from the brush on the bottle and just try to keep my hand steady and try to draw the shape as quickly as possible before my hand will start shaking or I get nervous.