So, on Saturday May 12th (can you tell I finally got my computer back!!!), my friend bought us tickets for a screening of My Little Pony FIM and a panel with the cast at this cute little black and white theater in Hollywood for the 'My Little Pony Project 2012'. I have no clue what it's for, maybe advertisement? I viewed it as a showcase of art and artists... Maybe it's because there was an art gallery showing following the panel...
Anyways, we got to the theater 2 hours early to find out that there was already a line formed since earlier that morning, mind you the showing was at 12 and it was super hot...
There were people dressed as characters from the show (cosplayers) and so many screen tees of pony memes(?). I don't think I've ever seen so many screen tees in my life, not even in my local 'Hot Topic' store...

Since we were 2 hours early, my friends who were beginning finals, pulled out their books and studied in line and I thought it was hilarious, until I realized I had nothing else to do, so I people watched... Is it horrible if I don't describe what I observed? Should I? Well, the majority of people who went were men probably from mid 20's to early 40's and all of them were very socially awkward. I remember getting really angry about how a good handful were ranting really loud in front of this family about how little kids shouldn't be in line, er, seeing the panel because 'it's not a kid's show and for grown men!' and then started 'bro-hoofing' each other. I think that ended up setting the sour/resentful mood I had for the rest of the day... Since I was so bored, I started overhearing a lot of mean and crazy things said by the crowd that day that just really turned me off of the show, to be honest...Getting off my soap box, let me just do a run down of the day... If I skip over the encounters and conversations I had with some of the 'bronies', the day was pretty nice~
The theater was really cute by the way, they were even having a Ghibli marathon that month, which I wish my friends and I went too...
The voice actress' were all at the panel, I thought it would be a Q & A session, but they just did a live read through of one of the Christmas episodes, which was pretty amazing!
I was so in awe of how they transformed their voices! Especially the woman who does Spike, the dragon's voice, like, my brain just couldn't wrap around how that voice came from her mouth! So, I just thought that the panel was so worth it to see in person!
I was also surprised how pretty all the actress' are~ I also loved how they were all petite and blonde, it was really cute.
Afterwards, just down the street, there was a signing and art gallery, which was the main thing I was looking forward too! But before the gallery opened there was a good 4 hour gap so we, my friends and I, ended up roaming up and down Melrose. [I'm happy that we got to drop by TokyoLA and peruse the merchandise and artwork~]
We also rested from the blistering sun and heat in a nearby Starbucks, and I kind of had too much fun with the great lighting in the cafe...
Afterwards, we realized there was a huuuuge line wrapped around the block for the signing so reluctantly, we filed in...
Since I didn't bring a book, I of course snapped pictures of myself and tried to ignore the close minded conversations going on around me...
I also learned that a lot of the guys in line thought that ponies are hotter than human girls.... Yeah.
The people running the event came through and gave out free posters~ The characters really cute by the way, so I was happy! [I made too many funny faces, so my face kind of got stuck, so I'm saving your peepers by censoring my weirdness...] ;3
So, this was my first time at TAG, and by golly, I want to visit often! It's so gorgeously set up!
At the gallery, they had custom ponies re-done by artists all over the world! It was the main thing I wanted to see all day! Because, a lot of the artists, who's work I would love to own, made ponies for the gallery! I just love things that are aesthetically pleasing!
Once again, the guys around me groaned when they found out it was art inside and a good chunk left the line, not before bashing the artists [whom they don't know] and how the ponies, which the artists painted, weren't the 'real' ponies and stuff... It was just really elitist mumbo jumbo that made me roll my eyes at their ignorance...
But honestly, one I stepped foot into the magical gallery, my mood just turned into sugar and melted into a pile of goo when I saw the artwork!
It was just so amazing~
^^One of my favorites, I mean, just look at that pattern and those gorgeous curls and lashes!
^^The details on this one were just super magical~
^^The Trojan pony, how clever!
They also passed out these delicious cake pops, that I had to hold back from inhaling... Haha...
Then there were CASES of ponies from different generations. I felt like I stepped back into my childhood, it was a really nice feeling.
There was this woman working in an art gallery who was, well, older than me, and she was tatted up wearing pastel kitten heels, a cute floral mini dress, light wig and bunny ears and all dolled up and strikingly cute!
I spoke with her and she had similar idiosyncrasies as I do and it clicked that I NEVER want to lose myself and I hope that in 10 years I can still wear wigs and ears and pastels and be working in a gorgeous environment and just enjoy it!
Like, ugh, just in a few minutes of observing her and a minute of talking to her, I am inspired for life!
The whole gallery was just amazing! I lack the vocabulary to describe just how beautiful the whole thing was~
I also really want this Bei Badgirl piece... Badly.
Anyways, that was the end of my MLP adventure...
I did go home with this little cutie though....
Tee hee hee, anywho. I'm glad to be back finally~
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